Normally, water pollution occurs through direct or indirect discharges into water resources (rivers, seas, lakes, etc.) from various Polluting substances.
Nature has the ability to clean itself if it receives a small amount of pollutants, and in this way, regain balance. The problem begins when pollutants exceed the absorption capacity of the system.
Main forms of water pollution:
One of them has to do with his natural cycle, during which it can come into contact with certain polluting constituents (such as dissolved or suspended mineral and organic substances) that exist in the earth's crust, the atmosphere and in the waters.
But another type of water pollution -which tends to be the most important and damaging- is one that has a special relationship with human action. Here we have a lot of possibilities. Among the most common we can mention:
- Discharge of residual toxic substances from industrial and urban processes, which are thrown into rivers, seas and lakes.
- The pollution produced by intensive use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture intensive, which seep into underground aquifers.
- Garbage dumped on the coasts, unfortunately this garbage takes hundreds or thousands of years to degrade.
- Use of polluting fuels in boats, which end up in the sea as a result of cleaning the boats, or as a result of accidents, such as the Prestige.
Ocean Pollution
Although it may not seem like it, it is very important that we are aware of the danger of ocean pollution and that thanks to these the marine life of many species is maintained, in addition to gives us the possibility of having oxygen, that same oxygen that you breathe.
El intentional dumping of waste, oil spills, and high variety of harsh chemicals that are poured into the ocean cause its contamination not only affect the plants and marine species that live in them but also the entire world population.
Oil spills
Currently brent is the largest threat regarding ocean pollution, since the production and transportation of oil has grown a lot in order to meet the needs of the current economy.
Because of the oil spills on the ocean, mueren most of the animals that inhabit them
Let's also think about everything it generates petroleum, and which is often used to make plastics and many other products, Unfortunately all this seems to end at the bottom of the ocean.
Negative Effects of Ocean Oil
It is said that more than 80% of the pollution that occurs in the oceans is our fault, and basically it is due to the improper use that we are making of oil.
In addition, due to a lot of effort in cleaning to eliminate the oil remains that is at the bottom of the ocean, it has been shown damage to water and marine life continues for at least 10 years. Considering the fact that there are several oil spills each year, the number of such effects is devastating.
Prevention and control of marine pollution with Oil
When a point of marine pollution due to oil is located, a series of studies of the area are carried out to decide the protocol to follow, in order to be able to clean it completely. If the stain is small, you can choose to wait for it to dissolve naturally, although the most normal thing is to prevent before running.
For this reason, this type of marine prevention is usually done from boats whose action policies are as follows:
- Development of technical standards for application to tankers
- Technical inspections of tankers
- Control of maritime traffic
- Education
- Response means that prevent accidents (control towers, tugboats, etc.)
Contamination of water resources
The sea is not the only one that receives contamination, in fact we have a great problem due to the contamination of rivers and lakes.
Unfortunately, there are many agents that can pollute rivers and lakes. The most important would be:
- sewage water and other residues that demand oxygen (which are usually organic matter, whose decomposition produces the deoxygenation of the water).
- Infectious agents that end up causing gastrointestinal disorders and even terrible diseases to those who drink that water (cholera, ...).
- Plant nutrients They are intended to stimulate the growth of aquatic plants, which end up decomposing, deplete dissolved oxygen and cause more than unpleasant odors.
- Chemical products, such as pesticides, various industrial products, chemical substances contained in detergents, soaps and the products of the decomposition of other organic compounds.
- Inorganic Minerals and Chemical Compounds.